Ixia-c back-to-back BGP and traffic setup with Docker Compose
This is an extended version of a basic Ixia-c back-2-back lab with Ixia-c Protocol Engine added to emulate L2-3 protocols like BGP. In this lab, Ixia-c has two traffic ports connected back-2-back using a veth pair. In addition, two protocol engines share network namespaces with respective traffic ports. The lab is defined via Docker Compose YAML file. Once the lab is up, a test Go package is used to request Ixia-c to bring up a BGP session between two ports, generate traffic and report statistics.
Install components
Clone this repository
Deploy Ixia-c lab
Launch the deployment
Make sure you have all five containers running. The result should look like this
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 7168dfa86bc3 ghcr.io/open-traffic-generator/ixia-c-protocol-engine: "/docker_im/opt/Ixia…" 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes cpdp-b2b-protocol_engine_2-1 dc798be3cdd6 ghcr.io/open-traffic-generator/ixia-c-protocol-engine: "/docker_im/opt/Ixia…" 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes cpdp-b2b-protocol_engine_1-1 1cf8508108db ghcr.io/open-traffic-generator/ixia-c-traffic-engine: "./entrypoint.sh" 6 minutes ago Up 42 seconds>5555/tcp, :::5555->5555/tcp,>50071/tcp, :::50071->50071/tcp cpdp-b2b-traffic_engine_1-1 7dbb2f28375a ghcr.io/open-traffic-generator/ixia-c-traffic-engine: "./entrypoint.sh" 6 minutes ago Up 42 seconds>5556/tcp, :::5556->5556/tcp,>50071/tcp, :::50072->50071/tcp cpdp-b2b-traffic_engine_2-1 b62dd5ccc6f8 ghcr.io/open-traffic-generator/keng-controller:0.1.0-3 "./bin/controller --…" 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes cpdp-b2b-controller-1
Interconnect traffic engine containers via a veth pair
Check traffic and protocol engine logs to see if they picked up veth interfaces
Run OTG traffic flows with Python snappi
Setup virtualenv for Python
Run BGP B2B test
Destroy the lab
To destroy the lab, including veth pair, use:
copyright of Levente Csikor, with modifications to replaceifconfig
withip link