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Ixia-c Traffic Engine and FRR with Containerlab


In this setup, we demonstrate how to deploy Ixia-c Traffic Engine nodes in Containerlab. This setup has an FRR container as a Device Under Test (DUT). Finally, we use otgen CLI tool to run the test and report statistics.



Layer 3 topology and generated traffic flows

IP Diagram

Quick start

Follow this sections for a quick version of how to run the lab using make. This is how CI pipeline in GitHub Actions runs it.

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone --recursive
    cd otg-examples/clab/ixia-c-te-frr
  2. To run all the steps below at once, execute:

    make all
    make clean

Otherwise, follow step-by-step instructions below.


  • Linux host or VM with sudo permissions and Docker support
  • git - how to install depends on your Linux distro.
  • Docker
  • Containerlab
  • otgen

    bash -c "$(curl -sL" -- -v 0.6.2
  • Make sure /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH variable (by default this is not the case on CentOS 7)

    if ! command -v ${cmd} &> /dev/null && [ -x ${dir}/${cmd} ]; then
      echo "${cmd} exists in ${dir} but not in the PATH, updating PATH to:"
      echo $PATH

Clone the repository

  1. Clone this repository to the Linux host where you want to run the lab. Do this only once.

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the lab folder

    cd otg-examples/clab/ixia-c-te-frr

Deploy a lab

sudo containerlab deploy

Run traffic

  1. Read MAC addresses assigned to the nodes

    TE1SMAC=`cat clab-ixctedut/topology-data.json | jq -r '.links[0]["a"].mac'`
    TE1DMAC=`cat clab-ixctedut/topology-data.json | jq -r '.links[0]["z"].mac'`
    TE2SMAC=`cat clab-ixctedut/topology-data.json | jq -r '.links[1]["a"].mac'`
    TE2DMAC=`cat clab-ixctedut/topology-data.json | jq -r '.links[1]["z"].mac'`
  2. Run traffic defined in otg.yml with otgen tool, taking care to replace stub MAC addresses with current values

    export OTG_API="https://localhost:8443"
    cat otg.yml | \
    sed "s/00:00:00:00:11:aa/$TE1SMAC/g" | sed "s/00:00:00:00:11:bb/$TE1DMAC/g" | \
    sed "s/00:00:00:00:22:aa/$TE2SMAC/g" | sed "s/00:00:00:00:22:bb/$TE2DMAC/g" | \
    otgen run -k | \
    otgen transform -m port | \
    otgen display -m table

Destroy the lab

sudo containerlab destroy