Hello, snappi! Welcome to the Clab!
This is a simple lab where an Ixia-c-one node has two traffic ports connected back-2-back in a Containerlab environment. The goal is to demonstrate basics of creating a Python program to control Ixia-c via snappi
- Linux host or VM with sudo permissions and Docker support. See some ready-to-use options below
- how to install depends on your Linux distro.- Docker
- Containerlab
Clone the repository
Clone this repository to the Linux host where you want to run the lab. Do this only once.
Navigate to the lab folder
Prepare a snappi
container image
Run the following only once, to build a container image where snappi
program will execute:
Deploy a lab
Run snappi test
Destroy the lab
Options for Linux VM deployment for Containerlab
Containerlab VM deployment on Mac using Multipass
If you're on Mac, an example below can be used to create an Ubuntu 20.04LTS VM
, using Multipass. Ubuntu 22.04 is not yet supported for this test. -
Delete the VM after testing is done
Containerlab VM deployment in Google Cloud
Create a VM in a default VPC
gcloud compute instances create otg-demo \ --subnet=default \ --machine-type=e2-standard-8 \ --image-family=ubuntu-2004-lts \ --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \ --boot-disk-size=30GB \ --boot-disk-device-name=otg-demo \ --tags=otg-demo gcloud compute ssh otg-demo sudo apt update && sudo apt install docker.io -y bash -c "$(curl -sL https://get.containerlab.dev)"
Delete all resources and the VM after testing is done
CLI access to nodes
This work os based on: * Hello, snappi!